Welcome to the new BBKakes blog! You will now find frequent new ideas plus much more. Including: lifestyle posts themed around my life as a baker, sprinkles, love of travel, art, culture, fashion and all things positive.

I have had a close love to baking since I was a child; Growing up with my grandmother who was always in the kitchen. Summers were the best time picking fresh fruit. I remember many rhubarb, apple, blackberry and strawberry pies with the gooseberries being an occasional treat. After my grandmother passed away it took a few years to get back into my baking . I have devoted the past 8 years to the art of baking, cake & confection design, photography and just about anything sprinkle-covered.
I realized I have an unnatural fixation with being creative. It wasn’t, though, until I took a cake design course at a local London collage, that I fell just as in love with designing cakes as baking them. Although I haven’t always been a cake & confections designer, it’s simply what I’m meant to do.
And just when I thought that a career of making cakes and tossing sprinkles was more excitement than I could handle, I have recently realized my lifelong dream of becoming an Artist - but you will have to wait a while for that.
